I reached my 5%! Go Me! It was a BIG DEAL! Since last week I did gain. So what did I do differently. Go to the GYM! So in other words...MOVE, MOVE, MOVE! This is a big deal for me. I know, BIG DEAL. I HATE sweating! But I feel so much better once I get done.Typically I wouldn't go to the gym, but my mom got a membership and with her membership, she can bring a guest. I am her guest! Lol. Before the membership, I usually went for walks with my dog Chloe. Which by the way I will still do. I think in order to get motivated or live a healthy life, you need to move somehow, some way...
How do you sneak in a bit of exercise?

1 comment:
You go, woman!! I'm not a fan of exercising but I do it by going to the gym at 6am EVERY morning. The weekends I try to have some fun and swim, run, do hot yoga or biking. This weekend I think I want to do some hiking.
So right you are, you HAVE to do some kind of exercising. Keep up the great work!
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