Last season on "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" Millionaire Adrienne Maloof wore tinsel extensions in her hair. When I first saw them, I was amazed at how beautiful they looked. The more I researched this trend, turns out many stars including Beyonce are a fan of Tinsel Extensions. So I tried it. I bought this Tinsel Extension set at Ross for $3
The set came with three rolls of Tinsel: Copper, Gold and Brown. Above is a picture of the Copper and Gold, the brown tinsel blended in with my hair and no matter how I took the picture, it just looked as if it was my hair. So, lets discuss the PROS and CONS I had doing this myself....
PROS: They came out wonderful! It was sexy and fun!
CONS: After struggling with tying the knot by my roots for 30 minutes, the second time it took maybe 10-15 it's kind of time consuming if you are doing it by yourself (also depending on how many parts of your hair you decided to put em on)
How would I rate Tinsel Extensions?
5 OUT 5
They sure are fun! I mean, so many people were amazed by them. You don't even need a lot, just a few peek-a-boos here and there!
Would you try this look?

I'd never heard of this. I don't watch TV and try to stay away from fashion magazines. It looks cool, but it wouldn't it be easier and more permanent to just highlight a few individual strands of hair?
Yea, I dont think I am going with this trend...I would rather highlight it...Thats my stylist background talking...
I watch the Real Housewives and I LOVE ADRIENNE! I never noticed her tinsel extensions before though but I LOVE them!
Wow, now that's something I've haven't seen, but is quite unique.
i never heard of this but its very different. im sure this will be popping up everywhere now, like feather extentions are
oh i like! :)
I would definitely give them a try..the look like so much fun and I'm always looking to do something different on my hair.
You've inspired me! I need to try this!
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Kisses from Spain!
I've never heard of it either! I like how it adds a little sparkle to your hair, though!
I love it Stef! I wish I seen this post before getting mine put in bc then I would have gotten copper instead of pink. Lol
I want to get this for my niece. BTW I love the new blog format.
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