These 4 are from City Chic...Very cute and my style...What do you think?
The next two are from Fashion To Figure:
The first one is very for an anytime occasion...the second one is a DRESS-UP occasion. I love both!
I am looking for the motorcycle type of jacket that you know which I am talking about? Like this pretty much but for us curvier women....

ooo I love them all, I can't decide >.< BUT I would definitely get the leopard print, seems fun to dress up or down and leopard print is sooo lovely :D
The 1st one looks like 'you' and I personally liked the 3rd jacket...
I have one that looks just like the 2nd one :)
I'm in hunt for a motorcycle jacket too, Steffie. I'm going to pass this post over to The Guy to see if he can hook a sista up. Woot!
I love all the jacket picks very cute.
The 3rd jacket is calling my name. Can you hear it? "Kiah....oh Kiah". lol Too bad I am on a buying freeze. Thanks a lot Stef! lol Kiah
i love these i like the last one! i think it would like very stylish on just like everything else
Love them all so stylish doll.
I love jackets and blazers. Wear them all the time! You will see me with a few in Vegas.
I'm so happy you posted this...i've been looking for a winter jacket for AGES!
I'll definitely be trying them out!
I've never shopped at F2F but these jackets might make me stop by.
Check out my blog, comment, and follow if you like!
Confessions Of A City Girl
Omg, I love every single one of them! I still haven't tried out this site.. I need to order something soon ;D
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