*GO ME!*
I was so happy when I weighed in this week! My mom has also lost her 40 pounds! It was amazing to see us both to lose. I do Weight Watchers with my mom. Its a remarkable journey and bond that we share. I really love the fact I have support AT HOME. I have a work out buddy and someone there to eat healthy with. It's not just me alone.
We were in the meeting and the biggest issue that came up was support...Which kinda went with the new program. A lot of us there support each other. Its like a little fam bam and we laughed at our stories of "over eating", bravo-ed one another with the TINY things we accomplished. It really made me feel so much support and many came up to me and my mom and told us they are inspired by us. When in reality, every meeting I am inspired by the women and men. To know I am not alone.
The program changed a bit....They gave us some cool goodies and LOTS of information.
I have the option of taking away 1,2,3 points of my Daily Points Target if I shall choose to. I ended up dropping my 30 points daily down to far, I have had NO hunger or problems. I just make up the extra point with activity points at the gym.
My weight loss journey has been full of struggle at times. A lot of people when starting a diet, constantly deprive themselves. And they use the word DIET....I never do ANY of that. This is my WAY OF LIFE. I will be on this program for as long as I live. I have found happiness in this lifestyle and I am finding MYSELF!
To my 30.4 pound loss and to the future!

WOW!!! So proud of you mama! Keep it up!
Wooooooo congrats!
Congratulations darling!! Keep up the fantastic work!
Im with ya sista!! YOU GO GIRL!!
Woohoo, 30.4 pounds! Keep up the good work & effort!
WOO HOOOOOOO!!! Way to go Stef!!!!!You are an inspiration!!!
Yay Stef and Stef's Mom..! Congratulations and keep up the great work..!
YAY YOU!! Girl you are inspiring me to get active and healthy! You look amazing! Kiah
Congrats! Go girl! :)
Congrats on the loss girl!
I lost over 150#s with Weight Watchers. Keep up the great work!! You are beautiful.
Get it girl! You must be so proud of yourself!
yay you for sure! that's awesome!
Congratulations sweetheart! We are all SO proud of you- onwards and upwards from here on out!
I'm going to join WW after Xmas too!
Girl u trying to make me cry! First thing...
I am so proud of you!!
Second, as you know my adoption situation, there is nothing more that makes me happy than to see family doing things together. Especially mother and daughter. May you both continue to support each other and create and ever lasting bond. Love yall!merv
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