Is there any thing in 2012 you want to accomplish?
My goals are:
To lose more weight and get to my goal weight
Date more
Go out with friends more
Make new FRIENDS
Expand Ifcurvescouldtalk
Finish my book
I am wish all of you peace, love and prosperity! May this year be a good one, a blessed one and an amazing one!

terrific goals! I pray all of the success and hapiness you can possibly handle this year.
Great goals. HAPPY HAPPY New Year Stef. So glad I found your blog this year, I just love it. May all your wishes come true!!!! Hugs.
Happy new Year!!!
Yes, you will accomplish your goals & more!
Great resolutions,have a happy& blessed 2012 x
And to you as well, hun! Those are amazing goals that I KNOW you'll be able to reach this year. Good luck to you in all your future endeavors. Happy new year!! <3
By the way, I tagged you for a little 2011 tag type of thing if you're interested lol
Those are great goals. you're on your way. Happy New Year!
And a Happy New Year to you FABunista! I sincerely wish you nothing but success in achieving each of your resolutions this year! One of my main resolutions is to finally get outta TX and move into Chicago!
I wish you the best for this 2012..
Good luck with all of your goals! I hope 2012 brings you happiness and joy!
You're doing so great with your goals already doll. Best of luck on the new year.
<3 Marina
Happy New Year Stef! I hope all of your dreams for the year are realized ;)
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