I met a boy.
In fact I have met MANY boys lately.
Must be my charm.
Just kidding.
But I started to think about how much fun it is to text someone and them actually MAKE the effort and time to contact me.
But it really had me thinking about SELF-WORTH
I can HONESTLY tell you, there have been SEVERAL people who have treated me badly. The sad part is, I let them...WHY? Because I didn't love myself.
Now that I am loving myself, a lot of things wont fly by me. When I say A LOT, I mean A LOT.
If a guy cant RESPECT me, pursue me, or make ANY effort, he goes left.
I know some girls who settle. If I was still in the same position as I was Last year, Id probably be settling. For a man who doesn't treat me right, controls me, and guilt's me ALL THE TIME.
Relationships aren't about those things. They are about loving someone unconditionally and give them the freedom they need to be them.
I think NOT settling was the best thing I have EVER done.
Granted texting these boys is fun, NO ONE meets my family until they can prove themselves.
I think FOR ONCE in my life, I am having fun. Not "loose" fun, but good wholesome fun of getting to know people, may it be the opposite sex, but getting to know different human beings and feeling beautiful.
Wholesome fun.
Sometimes a girl just wants to have fun!

I was dating a guy who made no effort, gave me no compliments and once told me, it's easier to put a girl down than to give one.
-- I nearly settled.
Began to realise, he was the one with the insecurities not me. Putting me down was his way of feeling good.
When they make an effort and show you your worth it all and more...that's when we consider settling.
We show people how we want to be treated.
You sound like you are on an awesome path and I think it will just keep getting better!!
im glad your in a better place now and won't let anyone mistreat you, sadly we all have to learn that lesson in life. we are worth WAY more then we may think at time. you are beautiful and you deserve nothing but the best!!
Love the makeup! I'm always playing with makeup myself :) even if there is nothing going on.
I think your approach to dating is healthy and fun :). You deserve to find someone fantastic and who treats you amazing!
Great post love!
I am so thankful that you decided to write about this because this is something that so many women need to think about. We lose ourselves in people and in our relationships. Why? I dont know. Everyone is different. But we must remember that there is a reason that someone wanted to be around us, love us, and be our partner. Dont lose site in your beauty, your talents, dreams, and your heart. And remember, it is isnt always you...its them. Dont blame yourself ladies.
great comments everyone! xoxo
You know, I made an entry very recently where I spoke about how nice a date Nebraska and I had, even down to the nervous kiss good-bye... it is nice to go out and not have the burden of worrying about 'should I or shouldn't I' go to 'second base' with someone.
I think you are on the right track and once you tweek and fine tune your wants and desires, you will be able to separate the 'wheat from the chaff' so to speak..!
Good for you! Have fun with dating right now, you're young and vivacious! Love your lips Stef! Can I have them? ;-) Yes, got your email. I tried to respond but it came back to me undeliverable. Thank you for the info and lol at the other part! haha Kiah
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