VLOG: Men with confidence are sexy....

12:08 AM


Anonymous said...

AGREE! same as women, people are drawn to people with confidence not arrogance

Ola Dipo said...

Stef you make me smile everything i watch your vlog! you are so on point! I have the same issues! There was a situation where i had a huge crush on this guy but because he never approached me, i just assumed he wasn't interested only to find out later from a guy friend, that he also had a crush on me but couldn't say anything because he thought i had guys around. i was so frustrated!!!! Confidence needs to be brought back. And a girl can only say yes or no, its not that big a deal! arrgh!

Itzel Yagual said...

Yup ! This is very true and same is for confident women! Bless you!

safire said...

Funny story, my bf was super nervous and I HAD TO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE. I won't lie though. It bothered me the longest time thinking I wasn't "enough" to light a fire in his ass.

He told me he was just nervous about how I would respond EVEN THOUGH I GAVE HIM ALL THE SIGNALS. Yes I made the first move and we're still together.

You are right though. A CONFIDENT MAN is sexy (read confident, NOT an a-hole/cocky guy). My bf is super confident now and I find that sexy :) he grew up

You ARE gorgeous.

Marta said...

I'm glad you decided to go back to school and not put it on hold. It's too bad some guys lack confidence, but I guess nobody likes to be rejected. Sometimes you just have to let the guy know that you like him or wait for a miracle, lol.