They say you know when a woman is confident when you see her with a naked face. If your like me, you use makeup for work, school and special events...and if you are like me even more, you feel the most beautiful without makeup.
Taking care of my naked face is important. Why? Because I don't always wear makeup and I am a firm believer that your skin has to breathe.I know it sounds weird right? Whats even more weird to you, is when I am dating a guy, I test him with not my naked body, but my naked face. How he reacts to me without makeup is HUGE.
Wanna know the verdict! They LIKE ME BETTER without makeup! Why? Because I take care of my skin! Every morning and every night, I wash it, use a deep cleaning astringent and moisturize it! I try not to touch my face throughout the day (as you know, your fingers are dirty, dirty on the skin causes breakouts) and most of all I avoid soda! Soda will cause me to IMMEDIATELY breakout!
Well ladies, we all donut have the same canvas and what can you use if your skin is uneven, sunspots, etc? Neutrogena Rapid Tone Repair! Neutrogena's new line leverages the power of Accelerated Retinol SA and vitamin C to help return your complexion into a clearer more even canvas!
With summer ending, wearing
SPF everyday still is a must! Rapid ToneRepair Day is that the product already contains SPF 30, which means it also protects
skin from damaging UVA and UVB rays, preventing further tone damage and
prolonging the effects of the treatment. SCORE!!!
Being a Latina,I have heard darker skin tones, such as many Hispanics, have fewer risks of suffering from
uneven skin tone. But did you know, that is all MISCONCEPTIONS! Studies have shown that people of Hispanic
decent have higher levels of melanin and therefore are prone to developing hyperpigmentation and dark marks, making it
difficult to maintain even-toned skin. Crazy huh?
You can check out Neutrogena on Facebook or HERE and even visit the Neutrogena's Rapid Tone Repair here!
DISCLOSURE: I was compensated and in collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect and Neutrogena.

I hope i get it here.......great post!
This sounds like a great product!
Def gunna try this !
wow i havent used nuetrogena in a min.. thanks boo
I enjoyed reading this. I am inspired by what you said about not wearing make-up all the time and you take care of your skin. Whereas I want healthy glowing skin and I use make-up to make me confident and I forget about working on my skin underneath. I want to start looking after my skin from now on. Great post. I love neutrogena products I hope I get round to trying this. I also have a bad habit of touching my face all the time- I need to stop this!
Looking all hot like always!!!! XX
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