I'll spare the I gained chatter. I gained. So what! The beauty of it that I am back! On track and ready to be a LOSER! And honestly thats not bad since the last time I weighed in was 3 weeks ago....It could have been more! So something was clicking! YAY for that!
My high of the week- I should saw WEEKS! Lol! It would probably be that I didnt gain more than 3 pounds! Yeah, to some 3 pounds is horrific! But not me. Its nothing and I can lose that! I have done it before and can do it again. No crying over 3 pounds here!
I will admit the BIGGEST low of the week was me drinking soda. I broke out so bad in pimples from the soda that I was horrified with that! Yeah no more soda binges.
I learned that I can always get back on the weight loss train. It happened, I am moving on!
McDonalds has HOLIDAY PIES!! Only 7pp. I know this isnt a REAL tip but Its a TIP-OFF! Lol! They are wonderful and made with a custard filling! It satifies your sweettooth and is warm for you belly! Yummy!

I like your "worth it" picture...
Stef, you are so close... would you not want a six-week push so you can close the deal..?
As much weight as you have lost, it seems to me that you are at a comfortable place... the last 10 pounds are ALWAYS the hardest to drop... so it is just you against your motivation... you look great (though I have ALWAYS thought that about you!!) and maybe something inside of you is definitely fine with where you are at...
... all the hard work and calorie counting has got you here and unconsciously, you could be content...
... don't be... I would like to see you get to 165 and celebrate that for you!! Keep going and reach that goal.!!
New day, new start! I gained 4lbs in 2 weeks!! But like you I'm back on track. I tend to binge eat at night so I've started to take a protein shake in the evenings as a snack. It really fills me up and I don't have that "I'm starving" feeling in the morning either. Don't lose focus and remember to drink plenty of water. xoxo
:) I love your attitude! You will no doubt reverse the gain.
I've never had a holiday pie. I have had their apple pie before though and it was yummy HAHA. I haven't had it in years though.
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