I was contacted by Working Wardrobes for a blog post I felt that could all do us some good. It's Christmas Time and like most of us, we forget that giving is just as equally fulfilling as receiving.
I try to do my part, as much as I can, to give back to women and the community as much as I can. With that said, I would love if you guys in So-Cal can find it within your heart to give back to this wonderful organization.
Working Wardrobes empowers empowers men, women, veterans and young adults overcoming difficult challenges to confidently enter the workforce and achieve self-sufficiency. We provide career assessments, skills training, career development services, job placement assistance and professional wardrobes in an environment of dignity and respect.
To give a little bit of background on them, In 1990, Working Wardrobes began with a handful of people who felt compelled to make a difference in the lives of domestic violence victims. Disturbed by the growing statistics of domestic violence, Founder and CEO Jerri Rosen-along with five friends- set out on a mission to help. The first-ever Day of Self Esteem served as a life-changing experience for both the clients and organizers, and created a foundation to build Working Wardrobes into a thriving organization dedicated to helping clients achieve self-sufficiency.
According to their press release, "Working Wardrobes provides caring, compassionate life and career development services to people emerging from major life crises. Our guiding philosophy is a belief that people are more powerful than the barriers they face and that all of our clients share the common desire to achieve success. Clients who find and maintain employment are able to establish personal responsibility and self-esteem and become productive members of society. The strongest measure of our success is hearing a client say “I got the job!” "
Through their Career Success Institute, they offer Career Development Services on a daily basis, as well as the following offsite services at partner agencies:
- Job Skills Training
- VetNet- specialized services for veterans
- Job Search Lab
- Job Retention Services
- Job Placement Assistance
- Financial Readiness Training
- Wardrobe Services
- Customer Service Training
Items they are in needs of: Suits, dress pants, skirts, dresses, blouses, accessories, purses, shoes.
Donation center is located at:
3030 Pullman Street Suite A
Costa Mesa, CA 92887
Hours: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Days: Monday- Saturday
They kindly ask that donations be dropped on clean and on hangers.
So please, if you have any clothes and live in the So-Cal area, try to give back by donating those clothes you don't use and are just sitting there. :D

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