Tuesday I am gonna do something that MAY alter my life for the better. A door opening is so scary. It's been awhile since I have walked through an open door and so many things are running through my head, "What if I can't do it?" "What if I fail at it?" "What if it falls through?"
But then I KNOW I have this in the bag. I KNOW this was God's doing.
Just scary you know. Seeing things you dreamed and prayed for playing out and hoping it makes you as happy as you dreamt it would.
Hoping that this is only the begining of all the goodness you wished for.
Hoping that happiness is what's meant for you.
I'm just so scared of change. So scared of my abilities.
But I am so excited.
I know what youre thinking, "Just tell us!" I wish I can, I just don't want to jinx it. But by Weds I'll know more. Hopefully by the end of next week, I'll be more confident in tell you guys.
Just send me good, positive vibes and energy.

Hey, lil sis! So happy for your new opp. You've come way too far not to keep up the momentum, so don't stress :-)
Love ya! Looking forward to an update.
Good luck Hollywood, you got it in the bag.
You're an inspiration to a lot of people that itself is a tremendous accomplishment! I trully admire everything about you! Keep up the awesomeness!
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