A fellow blogger of mine Janice Correa asked me to review her book. Which was awesome because like most girls, no matter what I do to organize my closet, I can never seem to get it right. Well, she made it so easy for me!
So you may be thinking, "what makes her the expert of closet organization?" A little background info on Janice is she launched her blog at Mami’s Time Out in 2008. It’s a fashion and beauty blogged aimed at moms. She has taken great pride in her organized closet and thought others can learn. I know I can!
The book was so cute and fun to read. Having lost weight, I know my closet needed to be "purged" In her book, she tells you just that. She talks about everything, from getting rid of clothes, to taking inventory and accessories!
I found the book to be really helpful. I don't want to spoil it for you but my favorite chapter was, "Piles: donate or sell, keep, toss" Which I could relate to majorly! I am having the hardest time letting go of a few pieces of my clothing that I so loved as a plus-sized woman. I didn't even know where to start selling my clothes! Janice gave amazing samples of how to even start selling them!
I really loved this E-book and I think you will too! All girls love advice and more room in our closets...DUH!
Want to win a FREE copy via E-Book? Enter below and I will pick one luck reader Friday and send the E-Book too!

what i really need is to make room for someone special that is on their way. and trying to organize it right now makes it a bit hard.
I need to organize my shoes and purge clothes I don't wear anymore.
I need help with maintaining a clean and organized closet. Ideas for daily upkeep or weekly refreshers, etc.?
I cant figure out if i should sort by color, style, etc or even sleeve length!
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