I was watching old Youtube videos of me and it occurred to me that I talk bad about myself an awful lot.
I was really saddened by this.
I always encourage you guys to stay positive and be kind to yourself yet there I am, talking shit to myself!
Yeah I used the word shit.
Yeah I used the word shit.
It made me feel sad, embarrassed and I had to think, "How can I fix this?"
Granted my soul feels like it's in stormy waters right now and I am feel bad about myself.
I still should talk positive to myself.
I would feel like crap if I talked that way to a total stranger.
I call myself a " Loser" several times...
Am I really a loser?
Some people would NEVER in their life be able to walk a mile in my shoes.
Every day my mom works, I cook for my family.
Granted my soul feels like it's in stormy waters right now and I am feel bad about myself.
I still should talk positive to myself.
I would feel like crap if I talked that way to a total stranger.
I call myself a " Loser" several times...
Am I really a loser?
Some people would NEVER in their life be able to walk a mile in my shoes.
Every day my mom works, I cook for my family.
They have a hot meal.
Every day I clean up after my family.
They have a clean house.
I know someone who thinks it's BENEATH them to do such things for their own family.
Some day I will be doing it for my very OWN family.
I do a lot despite not having a part-time or even Full-time job.
I do a lot.
I am not a loser.
Every day I clean up after my family.
They have a clean house.
I know someone who thinks it's BENEATH them to do such things for their own family.
Some day I will be doing it for my very OWN family.
I do a lot despite not having a part-time or even Full-time job.
I do a lot.
I am not a loser.

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