I felt it coming. I felt weird all day. Like he and I were gonna cross paths. The energy between us is like two magnets.
He came back to talk, apologize.
When i say "He" I mean Mr.Cochino
My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach.
I cried myself to sleep.
And I woke up sad.
I miss who I thought he was. I miss the good parts.
I started crying to my mom. I don't get how I can be treated like shit from these men who realize what they have a day late and a dollar short.
Can a man change? Do people change? Is he being sincere?
When will I find someone who knows what he has when he has me?
I dont know if he and I will ever talk again but it had me thinking of my future. I cried out of fear. Fear of ending up alone. Fear of always being shit on.
Fear of never really finding true love.
That's a scary thought.
To end up alone with dogs.
I don't want to grow old alone.

1 comment:
I haven't been on your page in FOREVER, but GIRRRRRL I wanted to tell you that you look AMAZING!! I am so proud of your journey! Keep pushing!
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