I realize that when I have something other women want I am a target. A bulls eye on my back. I am not perfect. Far from it. There are a few women from my boyfriends past who are making sure I am down for the count.
What they dont realize is a RISE. I have rose from the depths of hell and I have crawled my way out of holes that were dug 1000 plus deep for me.
My blog. My social networks are to empower women. To let them know I am proof. My life has changed drastically. It will continue to change and I will continue to rise.
I have been chewed up. Spit on. Thrown to the side. Beaten. Picked on and I still I rose.
You cant to call me a victim. By all means. GO AHEAD. Real women talk about their hell.
My life is far from perfect. It's my perfect.
I think some women need to reevaluate their life.
Know I will not tolerate any negativity on this blog.
I have made it my mission for 5 years to help women. To let women know I am a full blown woman dealing with life. The good, the bad and the evil of it and if I can make it out in one piece....THEY CAN.
It's what I do.

Why did you take the time to write this? Maybe you should have taken that time and done something constructive, there is no need to put Stef down, if you don't know her why are you being so negative her???
Just because you don't have a degree doesn't mean you can't share you story and talk to others, that is what friends do. Your friends don't have degrees and you go to them for advice?
If you have advice for Stef you can state it in a more positive way, there is no need to break someone down, why can't you leave your name?
Stef, keep doing what you are doing.
Don't let the haters get you down, clearly they are still lurking.
Do you...if this helps you to sleep better at night, rant away...
I love how they erased their comments 😂
Did they claim to know me??
She used your bf's name. Man, I wished I had taken a screenshot. I don't care if she knows you or not, no one deserves to be spoken to in that way, no matter how she feels about you.
She actually said she didn't know you.
That's crazy cuz she always says she knows me. Lol now she doesn't?
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