I don't know if you guys are aware, but I have a 15-year old stepson who is addicted to games! Like most parents, I just don't want him sitting down all day. Because he is 12 years older than our son, Noah learns from him and what does he learn? To play games on our phones. It kills me you guys! So when I was sent the Laser X Micro Blaster, I was thrilled!
The Micro Blasters are the newest addition to a line of products that include: original Laser X, which blasts 200 feet; a Long-Range Blaster,
which blasts 400 feet; and a Gaming Tower with 10-built-in games.
All you have to do is strap the receiver to your upper arm (But because my stepson's upper arm is full of muscle, he did the wrist) and you can shoot from 100 feet away! You can play with as little as two players or you can get a group together and play with the whole neighborhood. It's so small (five inches) and compact that us moms can easily put it in our purse or diaper bag. The kids will never get bored!
In this case, My fiance played with my stepson and even Noah got in on it too. He actually picked up the game fast for being just two years old. The sensors let you know when you are being hit, when you need to reload and when you are simply out of the game (dead lol )
The best part is, if you have more than one set, you can pair it!
Micro Blasters are recommended for ages 6+ (However, my two yer did catch onto it rather quickly lol) and retail for $29.99 for a
double set and $14.99 to equip a single player. The game is available
at GetLaserX.com and is coming soon to: Walmart, Costco and Target.
You can catch more of what the Laser Micro Blaster can do HERE on Youtube.
My overall opinion: THIS GAME WAS AMAZING! It's keeping our sons off the couch and active! I even got in on the fun! It's a great game for fun, activity and to burn some energy off.
Wait! Do you want to win a Laser Micro X Blaster? Well here's your chance! Enter the Rafflecoppter for a chance to win!
Disclosure: I received this product free to review and be compensated.All opinions expressed are my own.

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